Report a Concern #
Report here if you have experienced abuse or misconduct - or if you have reasonable suspicion of abuse or misconduct inflicted on, or by, someone in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. There are no associated costs, fees, or other financial barriers attached to submitting a report. The reporting form is available by clicking the 'Prevent Abuse in Sports / Report a Concern' graphic below, allows for reports to be made anonymously.

Phone: 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233) 24 hours, with an operator available Monday - Friday from 9AM - 5PM MT
The Center has exclusive jurisdiction over allegations of sexual misconduct within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Report here if you have reasonable suspicion of sexual misconduct or harassment, child abuse (including child sexual abuse), or intimate relationships involving an imbalance of power.
The Center also accepts reports of emotional and physical misconduct (including but not limited to bullying, hazing, stalking, and harassment) within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Reports of emotional and physical misconduct can also be reported directly to your sport’s national governing body (NGB).
Suspected abuse or misconduct and/or policy violations, including violations of the MAAPP, can also be made to the US Speedskating office by calling 801-417-5375 or emailing
All reports can be made anonymously, no cost or fees are associated with filing a safe sport report regardless of the mechanism used.
If preferred, individuals may also report concerns to the staff designees and/or athlete representatives listed below. These reports can be made either by phone or by email. If applicable the information will then be relayed to the U.S. Center for SafeSport to adhere to policies and/or determine jurisdiction.
- Male Staff Designee: Shane Domer, High Performance Director
-, (801) 417-5376
- Female Staff Designee: Sara Bowles, Membership and Safe Sport Manager
-, (801) 417-5375
- Male Athlete Representative: Ian Quinn
- Female Athlete Representative: Rebekah Bradford Plath
The US Speedskating Safe Sport Policy & Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies were created to establish a healthy, positive and safe environment for all parties participating in the sport of speed skating. These policies help raise awareness about misconduct in sport, promote open dialogue, provide training and resources, and assist members with potential allegations. The policies outline expectations and areas of potential concern, with the goal of a healthy environment for all participants in our sport. They apply to all members (first-year members, club competitors/recreational skaters, national-level competitors, USS coaches, USS officials, USS club officers, introductory two-month members and USS alumni members) staff, including office staff, trainers and National Team coaches, Board members, volunteers and contractors, including medical personnel, massage therapists, event volunteers and committee members. Please review the USS Safe Sport Policy & Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies which can be found through the link below. USS works in partnership with the U.S. Center for SafeSport to prevent abuse and foster a national sport culture of respect and safety on and off the ice. The U.S. Center for SafeSport has exclusive authority within speed skating to investigate and resolve allegations of sexual misconduct and any related misconduct. The U.S. Center for SafeSport Education and Outreach Office administers national prevention programming, raises awareness and provides resources and training to promote respect and prevent abuse. Learning about the six types of misconduct is an important step to recognize, reduce and respond effectively to inappropriate and potential harmful behavior. The following groups are required to complete the U.S. Center for SafeSport training; all members of the USS Board of Directors, Staff, interns, contractors, Certified Coaches, Level 2, 3, 4 & 5 Officials, all USS members that have a 1st Year, Club Competitor/Recreational, or National-Level Competitor membership and that are 18 years of age or older, and all Club/Association staff, officers and board members. It is recommended that all USS Athletes listed in the USADA pool take this training, but it is not required.