Anthony Arena#
Tony rose from the ranks of local meet officials to become a National Assistant Starter. He was appointed as an ASU Chief Starter in 1982 and served in that position at seven National Long Track Championships and at two North American Short Track Championships. Eventually, he was appointed to the ISU Championship list and was assigned to nine international World Competitions. Tony served as a Starter for numerous U.S. Long Track and Short Track Championships.
An original founder of the Badger Speed Skating Club in 1974, Tony served as its President and also as President of the Wisconsin Skating Association. He was elected to serve as the Wisconsin Skating Association representative on the ASU Board of Control. Tony served on or chaired eight ASU committees before being elected as a Vice President of the ASU in 1985. He served a two year term as President of the ASU (1989-1990), and was among the first ASU members to be elected to serve on the USISA Board of Directors. Tony served as the ASU Commissioner of Officials between 1994 and 2002. He passed away on August 6, 2009.